Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Untuk Mereka yang Memilih Tinggal Bersama / Selalu Dekat dengan Orang Tua

Ya, setiap manusia selalu dilahirkan untuk dihadapkan pada pilihan. Pilihan yang harus diambil dengan penuh kesadaran. Seperti mereka yang (setelah menikah) memilih untuk tetap tinggal bersama atau dekat dengan orang tua. Kerap kali dianggap takut mengambil resiko besar dan dianggap belum bisa mandiri dibandingkan mereka yang berani angkat kaki dan tinggal jauh dari rumah. Dianggap cari aman karena takut keluar dari zona nyaman. Padahal sebuah pilihan sejatinya diambil bukan tanpa resiko dan alasan......

  • Seiring bertambahnya usia kita, usia orang tua juga semakin menuju senja. Mungkin dulu mereka masih sanggup melakukan banyak kegiatan seorang diri, namun diusia senjanya tak bisa dipungkiri mereka pasti membutuhkan bantuan dari anak-anaknya dalam banyak hal. Karenanya orang tua tetap jadi prioritas utama dan salah seorang anaknya harus tetap tinggal untuk berjaga. Berbahagialah karena masih diberi kesempatan berbakti pada orang tua :)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Pemancingan Janti & Lezatnya Gurame Bakar Kecap

Menjadi bagian dari provinsi Jawa Tengah, Klaten punya moto sebagai kota "Klabers" alias "Klaten Bersinar" yaitu bersih, sehat, indah, nyaman, dan rapi. Menurut cerita yang beredar, julukan itu diberikan karena Klaten punya sumber mata air yang bersih, sehat, juga alamnya yang cantik. Bahkan, Candi Prambanan dan Plaosan yang kita semua tau sangat bersejarah itu berada dalam wilayah kabupaten Klaten.

Tapi nggak hanya itu keistimewaan kota Klaten, loh. Seperti kota-kota lainnya, Klaten juga memiliki objek wisata yang bisa teman-teman explore. Salah satu yang baru aja gue kunjungi adalah arena Pemancingan Janti.

Cerita yang gue dengar dari suami, sebenarnya Janti adalah nama salah satu desa di Klaten yang memiliki cukup banyak tempat pemancingan serta resto yang menawarkan aneka olahan ikan. Jadi selain aktivitas memancing, teman-teman bisa dengan leluasa menikmati kuliner yang memanjakan lidah.

Selepas ceremonial wisuda si suami kemarin, kami berempat sepakat untuk istirahat sambil makan siang di desa Janti. Kata suami, jarak antara Solo - Desa Janti sebenarnya nggak terlalu jauh, hanya butuh waktu kira-kira 45 menit sampai 1 jam, dan kami pun berangkat sebelum masuk waktu Dhuhur. Cukup lama berputar-putar dan merasa mobil sudah nggak memiliki cukup bahan bakar akhirnya kami memutuskan mampir di SPBU yang kebetulan dilewati. Setelah mengisi bahan bakar dan dapat informasi yang cukup dari salah seorang karyawan, kami pun melanjutkan perjalanan.

Suami pun cukup terkejut melihat kondisi Pemancingan Janti berbeda dari terakhir kali dia kunjungi, lebih dari 10 tahun lalu. Meski pun jalan menuju ke tempat pemancingan udah nggak berbatu layaknya dulu, tapi hampir seluruh tempat pemancingan terlihat sangat sepi. Kabar yang beredar, beberapa tempat pemancingan terpaksa gulung tikar.

Well, berhentilah kami di Pemancingan Sempulur 2000 Janti. Awalnya agak ragu untuk masuk karena tempatnya yang sedikit gelap dan nggak nampak satu pun kendaraan tamu selain kami. Tapi akhirnya kami tetap memilih tempat ini. Yang ada dibenak saya sebelum masuk, kami harus memancing dulu sebelum hasil tangkapannya diolah. Ternyata gue salah duga !

Setelah mengambil spot lesehan di depan kolam renang, kami hanya tinggal duduk manis dan memesan menu yang tersedia. Ada gurame bakar / goreng, mujaer bakar / goreng, nila bakar / goreng, kakap bakar / goreng dan lainnya. Dan gurame bakar kecap yang jadi pilihan kami. Yeay !

Daging ikan gurame-nya gurih dan empuk juga punya cita rasa khas ikan bakar umumnya. Penyajiannya cukup sederhana dengan seporsi sambel matang dan sambel bawang. Lalu ikan dan sambal yang kami pesan disantap dengan sebakul nasi hangat. 9 bintang dari kami ^^

Bagi teman-teman luar kota Klaten yang suka aktivitas memancing atau sekedar ingin menikmati aneka olahan ikan di tempat yang jauh dari kebisingan, coba deh ke arena Pemancingan Janti :)

(Photo by Canon EOS M5)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Nike ! My Favorite Brand of Sneakers

Most women claim to love high heels even though it hurts and makes them uncomfortable, LOL. They say heels are the most important women accessory beside lipstick. They can't stay away from them. But I don't think so. To be perfectly honest, I just have two or three but I've never owned a comfortable pair of heels for my feet. Well, I just feel more comfortable by using sneakers.

Let me tell you first. This article is not sponsored by Nike by the way, all opinions are pure my own because I only review brands and product that I truly love. It is no secret that Nike is my favorite sport shoe brand. I really do love my Nike sport shoes. Yes, Nike always gives some stylish & perfect touch for me. When I'm look in the mirror, I feel pride to wear it. It makes any outfit fun and sporty.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Getting Married and Staying Happy in a Long Term Relationship

As you see, my husband had an amazing opportunity to pursue a Master Degree and he get to do his thesis for free which is pretty unbelievable. I also had a career in journalism for 3 years. We are currently living 170 miles away from each other as a best friend.

Like most people, I regularly asked some of my friend to share their advice from their own marriage on how they feel after entering into marriage and what happens the day after. Surprising me ! Some of their experience was scared me. They say don't expecting the marriage to solve of your problem but the marriage actually creating a new problem for your life. It's sound so complicated and annoyed me, huh !

Under these circumstance, we decided to get married between the two years of his master program. Some people supporting us and some people doubt our ability to survive. But we were not to concerned with that. Because my dad and my close friends completely supportive of my decision. And I truly believe that God doesn't charge someone more than its capacity. With pressure from those around, both of us continued to struggle with Bismillah...

You know, me and my husband very different in a lot of ways. More than that, we had whole different cultural background, different character, different habit, and different perspective for life. When we started make a new life and living together, the change takes place at so many levels. From a change in behavior, change in speech, change of thinking, a change in lifestyle, until our body shape changes, lol. Even sometimes we had different opinions and still maintain our arguments, but it's okey :)

After marriage, my husband and my family were becoming on my first priority. I want to dedicate full of my time for them. He always support me for taking the risk when I left my job. This is probably the most difficult. But he gave me understanding that instead of wasting my time obsessing over something beyond my control, more better if I would prefer to take care of my family and educating our children in the future. Manage all they necessity most of the time and whatever their primary needs are always comes first before mine.

Now we are happy live in the same home and sleep in the same bed, hihiiii. Love each other by Allah's sake. Grateful by each other. Everyday, we constantly keep waking up before Fajr Adhan and going to the mosque together. After we have prayed, he always make time to recite The Qur'an while I takes time to home duties. But if I don't read my Qur'an after Fajr, I read it after Dhuha. Yeah... we always spending a quality time together to be communicated for what we had done on a daily.

After my dad, my husband will be the first one to believe me that I could have done better. He always told me to be the bigger person no matter how they will treat me poorly, when they are trying to bring me down. By tell me to never revenge, he has shaped me into the woman that I'm today. He merely pointed the way without talk too much. All I can say that we've been very happily married for almost 2 years and forever Insya Allah. I'm so grateful how God returned him to me.

Now he has completed his master program and I find a "new" job in home. Enjoy blogging as great place where I could see how I am, write something big that I truly believe. God will not let go waste the reward of our effort.

So... Finding the right person who help you to get closer to God and always remind you to God. Be together for the right reason. Surround yourself with good people and focus on something good in life. Yeay !

(Photo by Canon EOS M5)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Ambivert Personality, So What ??!!

From I started my blog in 2012 until now, maybe you know that I've been shared so much about who I am. About my my daily life, my culinary adventure, my passion and lifestyle. That's why I called my site The Lifeline

But as much as I like to publish more story of my life on public, you may be surprised to know that in real life I'm an ambivert. I never call myself an extrovert or introvert. I truly feel somewhere in the middle between them, yes I'm identifies as an ambivert.

  • I usually prefer alone in my free time, but I'm also sociable for some reasons, lol.
  • At some moment I like more talking but I'm also comfortable more listening
  • I need some friend around me, but sometimes I'm happy being alone and I'm not feeling lonely.
  • I'm interest meet with new people, but I'm selective for making new friendship and it's okey if I don't have many friends.
  • People often see me as completely and extroverted because they see it gets the most in me, but from the other side of me I love stay at my room alone for reading and writing all day long. 

I'm the kind of person who love hanging out one on one, or only twos, or threes with my close friend better than in groups. It makes me more intimate with her/him/them. I get a chance to care and listening each other than a group can contribute. Like this, just a little bit friend, they are really know me well, we have a best time when we go out, and I have tons of happines with them :)

We always meet and eat together :)

(Photo By Iphone 5S)