Showing posts with label Woman & Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woman & Beauty. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion for Face and Body

Ritual mandi selalu jadi aktivitas sederhana untuk melepas lelah yang menyenangkan. Kalo akhir pekan gini, biasa banget mandi tiga sampai empat kali sehari setelah urusan domestik di rumah kelar.

Apalagi saat cuaca panas, kamar yang dilengkapi dengan penyejuk udara (AC) hwaaahhh ibarat surga dunia yang nggak bisa ditawar lagi. Tapi, sejuknya AC membuat ku tanpa sadar jadi sering lupa minum. Efeknya berasa banget. Kulit yang basically kadar lembabnya minim jadi cenderung makin kering.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Body Mist dari Brand Lokal yang Aromanya Enak Banget !

Bagiku, orang rapi dan wangi itu menarik. Keluar rumah dalam keadaan rapi dan wangi, selalu bikin level up rasa percaya diri. Memakai parfum atau sekedar body lotion. Membicarakan tentang wewangian, aku termasuk picky soal aroma, sebab wewangian tuh sangat mempengaruhi pikiran dan confident. Suka aroma soft cenderung floral, citrus, oceanic, atau aroma-aroma baby yang nyaman dihidung. 

Tapi, untuk sehari-hari di rumah, aku cukup pakai Body Mist aja. Memang nggak sewangi parfum dan hanya bertahan sementara, tapi priceable banget. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Nike ! My Favorite Brand of Sneakers

Most women claim to love high heels even though it hurts and makes them uncomfortable, LOL. They say heels are the most important women accessory beside lipstick. They can't stay away from them. But I don't think so. To be perfectly honest, I just have two or three but I've never owned a comfortable pair of heels for my feet. Well, I just feel more comfortable by using sneakers.

Let me tell you first. This article is not sponsored by Nike by the way, all opinions are pure my own because I only review brands and product that I truly love. It is no secret that Nike is my favorite sport shoe brand. I really do love my Nike sport shoes. Yes, Nike always gives some stylish & perfect touch for me. When I'm look in the mirror, I feel pride to wear it. It makes any outfit fun and sporty.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Review : The Body Shop Seaweed Deep Cleansing Facial Wash

Basically I have dry skin combined with oh oily skin at t-zone areas on my face, covered in oil especially around my nose. It's complicated, that means I must caring different part of my face differently. Less oily on the oily area and smoothed the dry area on my face.

I use Seaweed Deep Cleansing Facial Wash every morning, shortly after 'wudhu', and every night before I go to sleep. It is the suitable facial care product for my skin type and works too well. For oil control, it has cleared up my skin from those nasty oil on my nose and keep the oil under control. It helps lock in moisture to make my dry area on my face extra soft and smooth.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Review : The Body Shop Moringa Shower Gel

Hello Everyone...

Today I would love to share with all of you about a bath & body product Moringa Shower Gel from The Body Shop.

I've been using Moringa Shower Gel approximately 2 years and I've got to say I love it. Moringa has a tropical white floral appeal. It also has an orange blossom and jasmine fragrance. The shower gel comes in a transparent mid size bottle and travel friendly, and it's looks golden yellow like a lemon. The first thing attracted me to this product was the smell. I absolutely adore with the smell. The moment when I smelled it at the store, my impression was of smell refresh and I feel it will be a pleasant shower experience.