Thursday, April 27, 2017

Point Penting yang Wajib Banget Diperhatikan Saat Memilih Mobil

Cerita hidup saya sebagai seorang istri memasuki tahun kedua di 2017 ini. Tak terlalu banyak yang berubah. Namun, satu hal yang cukup menarik adalah beberapa rencana yang kami buat diawal pernikahan, satu per satu mulai terwujud. Alhamdulillah...

Awalnya, keinginan untuk punya kendaraan pribadi masih jauh dari impian, karena kebetulan di rumah (mertua) sudah ada mobil yang sebetulnya bisa kami pakai kapan saja. Tapi, yang namanya bukan milik sendiri, tetap saja nggak enak doooonk. Singkat cerita, kami memutuskan untuk membeli mobil pribadi dari uang-uang kecil yang kami simpan. Dan kami sepakat untuk tidak membeli mobil baru :)

Setelah beberapa kali diskusi, mendengar banyak pertimbangan dari orang-orang terdekat, berikut yang jadi point penting buat kami saat memilih mobil :

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Pepper Lunch Restaurant

The popularity of beef and chicken has to do with the fact that it tastes good and also a convenient source of high protein which all the people need. It was eaten over most of people in the world. But not all beef and chicken is created equal. The preparation and serving style can have a big impact on how delicious the beef and chicken really is. So before I get bored when I ate those beef and chicken, I'll have my choice to Pepper Lunch.

Have you ever eaten at Pepper Lunch Restaurant ??? This restaurant specializes in sizzling chicken and beef steak pepper which serves on a hot metal plate. Those hot metal plate keep the food warm right through to the end of my meal. There's a paper protection round the plate to warn their customer about the super heat which makes me more careful when I'm eating.

The chicken and beef are pre-cut into stripes. They comes with a scattering of beans and corn. Well, for more delicious make sure to add the black pepper and the garlic soy sauce !

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Sweet Saturday : Macaroons Love

Macaroons have been around for a long time. It's reminds me to a Parisian cookie. I have a love affair with this little cute cookie. Now, the shops popping up all over the place. I know this because during my time in Surabaya (East Java, Indonesia), there's always room for me to find a pretty little macaroons. I had several times and memories when I bought a pack of macaroons in a beautiful bakery called Bakerzin. I've tried few flavor macaroons at there and I get my expectation when I ate them.